Evaluation Reports

Billund Builds 2019

Download and read our Evaluation Reports

These overall evaluation reports for the daycare and school area in Billund present knowledge in both breadth and depth from both student and adult perspectives: breadth via analyzes of selected quantitative data from the questionnaire survey and depth via analyzes of qualitative data from observations, student interviews, comments and informal conversations with students, professionals, and leaders.


The purpose of the evaluation in Billund Builds Development is:

  • To become wiser about how Billund Builds contributes to developing students' professional and broad competencies - especially to work experimentally, creatively, playfully and co-creatively

  • To bring data and inspirational material to local use in connection with action learning and knowledge sharing in and between schools and daycare.

Evaluation Reports

The evaluation contributes significant knowledge to the continued work of supporting the co-creative, creative, experimental, and playful approach to learning in practice in schools and day care.

The evaluation also contributes knowledge to Billund Municipality's general focus on involving the children's perspectives and co-creation, regardless of whether this is in Billund Builds or in other processes.

Finally, the evaluation generally provides important insights into further developing Billund Builds in the best possible way. Thus, the project management has already initiated initiatives for more knowledge sharing and local involvement, just as planning of the next Billund Builds' initiatives such as quarterly workshops and evaluation practice is developed on the basis of knowledge from the evaluation.

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