Our view of children
We believe that
Children are equal people with unequal conditions.
- We believe that children and adults should meet equally well in the co-creation with equal participation and initiative rights (managed in a flexible, respectful and ethically responsible division of roles).
- We recognize an inequality between children and adults who demand special rights and ethical obligations.
Children are experts in their own lives.
- We recognize children as experts in their own lives, and therefore humbly go to the co-creation.
- We perceive the children's perspectives as legitimate knowledge that is equally valid, equal and necessary.
Children have the resources to act and help to create their own lives and the society they live in.
- We perceive children as co-creators of their own development with the opportunity to influence their own living conditions and of the contexts they are in.
- We support and encourage the children to act actively in their own lives.
Children develop and learn through social relationships.
- We believe that children have social and communicative competences and form in relation to others.
- We support all children in participating actively in binding communities with other children as well as adults across social, cultural and physical conditions.
Children are dependent on adults and adults are dependent on children.
- We recognize the asymmetry of equality between children and adults - especially when it comes to the children's added value about children's perspectives.
- We believe that it is the adults' ethical responsibility that children thrive and that the framework is set, so that children unfold their partnership potential.