The Academy of Co-creation
Children in focus
CoC Playful Minds offers an academy in facilitating ethical co-creation with children. It may be for you who have children as a target group in your school, municipality, company or other organisation.
The Academy of Co-creation - Children in focus is a basic introduction to co-creation with children, where you gain skills to change your practice and add completely new dimensions to your professional role. We teach in and with co-creation – and thus for the development of a new practice for and with you.
At the Academy of Co-creation- Children in focus, you will, among other things, gain knowledge about ethical co-creation with children, skills for facilitation and knowledge of and testing of methods in your own practice.)
Contact us
Sara Bæklund Daugaard
Leder af Samskaber Akademiet og facilitator af æstetiske og kunstneriske processer med børn
Phone +45 22 90 24 22