Creative World Citizens

Children are creative world citizens

CoC Playful Mind's vision states that ... "children are creative world citizens".
The creative world citizenship is about vision and being able to act in a complex world. It is about responsibility and rights as a citizen - regardless of age. But most importantly, it is about an approach to the world: local and global as well as different competencies.

To be a creative world citizen means:
Being able to create - to have experience, knowledge and courage to create something with others. But also to be seen and identified as a valuable creator / agent.

To master insights into one's own life and local conditions as well as have the perspective of other people, ways and conditions. Cultural meetings can take place in many contexts, locally and globally

To participate as a citizen with different opportunities, rights, obligations and responsibilities in all aspects of society - large and small. To be a citizen of Billund and Denmark is also to be a citizen of the world.

Competences as a creative world citizen:

  • Commitment, curiosity
  • Knowledge and knowledge in a broad sense
  • Being able to handle emotions and understand others: empathy, respect, relational and ethical skills
  • Cultural understanding
  • Communication
  • Conflict management
  • Navigate critically in news and social media

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